Yacht imports into Spanish territory

Contact us Yacht imports into Spanish territory VAT must be paid on any yacht sailing EU waters unless it falls under the temporary import relief. The rules are not prescriptive about the basis for VAT except that it should represent the market value, but if you have bought it recently the price you paid could […]
British-flagged yachts & charter licensing in Spain

Contact us British-flagged yachts & charter licensing in Spain Commercial yachts intending to charter in Spain must be in free in circulation, which means that VAT should have been paid or accounted for. Since Brexit, British-flagged yachts have been subject to some sort of uncertainty about their customs status and how that would affect their […]
Temporary Admission – Customs formalities in Spain 2021

Contact us Temporary Admission – Customs formalities in Spain 2021 The TA regime is laid down in Articles 250 to 253 of the UCC. For the specific case of means of transport (yachts), the conditions to be fulfilled for granting total relief from import duty are established in Article 212 of the Commission Delegated Regulation […]
A message for the Spanish Tax Authorities

Contact us A message for the Spanish Tax Authorities Open letter to the Spanish tax authorities We consider there are at least four key points that Spanish tax authorities have the capacity to address and that would allow a vigorous boost to the superyacht industry in Spain. 1. Matriculation Tax In 2013, an amendment of […]
New spanish charter regulation 2019

Contact us New spanish charter regulation 2019 The General Directorate of Merchant Marine Mr. Benito Núñez Quintanilla has just signed Service Instruction number 10/2019 establishing the new procedure for commercial yachts in order to receive a charter license in Spain. This new regulation is the result of the effort of different Yachting Associations such the […]
Spanish update on pleasure yachting and international flights

Contact us Spanish update on pleasure yachting and international flights As per the recent guidelines published on April 30th by the Spanish Directorate-General for Merchant Shipping, we are happy to inform you about the official standpoint regarding the lift of the current lockdown on yachting activity. The current guidelines are applicable to both private and […]
New spanish charter regulation 2020

Contact us New spanish charter regulation 2020 The new Service Instruction number 03/2020 was signed by the General Directorate of Merchant Marine Mr. Benito Núñez Quintanilla on 16/07/2020 replacing the Service Instruction number 10/2019 in force since July last year. The new Service Instruction introduces some clarifications and continues with the effort to simplify the […]
The Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla: spanish special tax territories

Contact us The Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla: spanish special tax territories In the 19th Century the Spanish government made the Canary Islands a free trade zone to promote economic development. When Spain joined the EU in 1986, special fiscal measures were deemed incompatible with European legislation. For this reason the Canary Islands’ Parliament decided […]
Spanish approach on APA and delivery fees

Contact us Spanish approach on APA and delivery FEES The applicability of VAT on APA funds and delivery fees is a controversial issue, as different jurisdictions have different approaches to the situation. We will try to provide here our view on the correct tax treatment in accordance with Spanish tax regulations. We must remark that […]
Termination of the spanish touristic registration tax regime

Contact us Termination of the spanish touristic registration tax regime On 31st December 2018 the Spanish Touristic registration tax regime, as established in the General Budgets Law passed on 4th July 2018 will come to an end. The provisions for the Spanish Touristic Registration tax regime are laid down in Royal Decree 1571/1993. It is a sort […]